Friday, June 8, 2007

How to Find Inspiration

A good piece can come to you out of the clear blue, but not necessarily, most times your muse will need a kick to get started, so you need to be able to kick your muse, jumpstart the inspirational process. The best way to get your creative juices flowing is to do something you have never done before or don't usually do. make a prank call from a payphone (yes, there are still some of those around), go to a petting zoo, go to the park, drive to a town where no one knows you on a Sunday morning and masturbate in front of a church as people are getting out. Anything. I find that buildings are especially inspirational for me, so I look up real estate sites.

The fact is that inspiration comes along about as often as something comes along in your life, you might want to try bringing new things into your life more often.

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