Sunday, June 17, 2007

5 Things to Remember Before you Start Writing a Short Story

Things to remember should you decide to write a short story:

1) Make sure the story you are telling is suited to the short medium.
Some stories when told in the shorter form merely leave questions unanswered and frustrate the reader. If the story is suited to the short form you will be able to complete the arc in under 5,000 words.
2) Control your tangents.
In other words, make sure you know where you are going and don't get lost on the way.
3) If it does not help the story, lose it.
Keep in mind the "short" part of "short story".
4) Write quickly.
Nothing is more pathetic than laboring over short fiction. It should be deft and effective, like a single, accurate punch.
5) If you wouldn't read it, do not submit it.

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