Paying Market: Strange Horizons Fiction Submission Guidelines
Strange Horizons Fiction Submission Guidelines: "We want good speculative fiction. If your story doesn't have a clear fantasy or science fiction element, or at least strong speculative-fiction sensibilities, it's probably not for us.
We'd like to help make the field of speculative fiction more inclusive, more welcoming to both authors and readers from traditionally underrepresented groups, so we're interested in seeing stories from diverse perspectives and backgrounds.
We want stories that have some literary depth but aren't boring; styles that are unusual yet readable; structures that balance inventiveness with traditional narrative. We like characters we can care about. We like settings and cultures that we don't see all the time in speculative fiction."
Technorati Tags: writing, writer, market, guidelines, writer's, payment, fiction, fictional, story, stories, narrative, literature, author, authors,
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