Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Mediocre Writing

Part of what I want to do with this blog is to avoid the rut of sameness, the chronic mediocrity you find among writers' blogs. All these silly people who have not come into any kind of contact with the truly ugly, or had any experience outside of generic middleclass whiteness, who have no eye for the truly interesting. You get the feeling that everybody wants to be Anne Rice or Dean Koontz, nobody wants to be different, to set themselves apart. Everybody has to be part of a clique, this kind of pretend-writer or that kind of pretend-writer, some place to validate themselves other than in their stories. Social writing. So you can churn out a few thousand words of "content" in a sitting, fifty-percent padding, fifty-percent copy-and-paste, this means...what?

Writing is something you do because you have to, not because you think you might be able to. There is a difference between taking a piss and learning to crochet. Most "readers" are stupid people who think that reading is a good way to look smart, being able to quote is a good way to impress friends and co-workers. Most newspaper articles are written to impress the writer, not to actually tell you anything. Few are in it because their sanity depends on getting words out. Those are the people you need to find.

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