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BBC NEWS | Magazine | JK Rowling, the new Roger Bannister If asked whether I suffer from the condition commonly known as JK Rowling Envy, I can't say no.
Like any other writer who is not JK Rowling, I can't say no because my teeth are so tightly gritted in a smile of good sportsmanship that tiny fragments of enamel are given off into the atmosphere, and if I opened my mouth any further a long howl of anguish would be released, tapering into a convulsive whimper, punctuated with deliriously mumbled statistics. 325 million copies. 65 languages. A thousand million dollars. A million billion roubles. Gazillion fantabulon megayen...
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JK Rowling,
Omgili - Why Write Erotica? Why write erotica? 1) It's fun. 2) It's interesting. 3) It connects with people, sex is the 2nd strongest human drive behind survival. 4) If you can write erotica you probably have the courage to tackle any other genre or topic under the sun or moon.

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How to Write a Query Letter | Writer's Resource Center Query letters are a much-debated practice in the writing community. The majority of writers swear by them, but others feel they are a waste of time. There are many successful writers who stick to sending completed manuscripts or informal, ultra-brief queries. This practice has especially grown in the age of email, where a less formal writing style has taken root. See Bob Sassone's article The Query Trap if you want to look further into that strategy.
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query letters,
writing writer,
Don't ask me. I'm just the author. - Tiisme’s blog I'm working on my second novel right now. The first was written for National Novel Writing Month, a challenge held every November to write a novel of new material and at least 50,000 words, starting November 1st and submitting it by 11:59pm on November 30th. I managed 50,133 words in 24 days and, not surprisingly, it was a story of little depth. It was amusing and I was pleased with some of my descriptions and dialogue. It also got that first crappy novel out of the way and taught me the value of outlining, which I'd never done before. I think outlining was the key to finishing the novel, even though I had to veer off-outline several times in order to not contradict myself.
Publish America Ordered to Repay Author | Writer's Resource Center According to an article in The Frederick News-Post, Publish America, the self-proclaimed "nation's number one book publisher" was recently ordered to repay one of its author's for breach of contract. Phillip Dolan, the author of A Handsome Guy, won what he calls a "substantial settlement" through arbitration.
I've heard many complaints about Publish America. There are claims that they misrepresent themselves as a traditional publisher when in actuality they are a vanity press. There are claims that people get locked into onerous long-term contracts. There are claims that Publish America cheats authors out of their rightful royalties.
satire-by-sroka New satire, humor, comedy, sarcasm, weirdness and fun from the creator/writer of Digital Diarrhea, Unpublished Proceedings, the original World Famous Calendars and Short Stories, and the new crazy Berserk Briefs
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